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Affirmative action essays

Affirmative action essays

One interesting observation regarding the history of affirmative action programs in the workplace was that the traditionally government enforced programs and were not applicable against private employers under the U. Affirmative action is the general term used to describe the de facto and de jure social policies that attempt to eliminate or alleviate the challenges that racial minorities have faced in the United States over nearly the entire history of the nation. And yet, today the dichotomy in the education system is still affirmative action essays due to racial inequality, affirmative action essays. However, despite its good intentions, affirmative action has actually created more problems than it has solved, explaining why so many are now calling for an end to its policies. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert.

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Home — Essay Samples — Social Issues — Human Rights — Affirmative Action. We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. Essays on Affirmative Action. Essay examples. The Effectiveness of The Implementation of Race-based Affirmative Affirmative action essays in College Admission words 6 Pages. Race-based affirmative action refers to a policy which imposes remedies against discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin. The implementation of this policy within college admission processes has stood to be a highly controversial topic. There are many individuals who are in Affirmative Action Racial Discrimination. Abstract The policy of affirmative action and individual responses to such policies is the focus of this research essay, affirmative action essays.

It opens with a brief discussion on the gender-based differences in acceptance levels of affirmative action policies. The consequences of such actions on the targets have Affirmative Action Policy Society. The debate over the implementation of affirmative action at the work place, school and in national and global politics continues to get complicated with demographic changes and gender power shifts take effect in the world, affirmative action essays. Affirmative action is based on the principle of implementing fairness Affirmative Action. Affirmative Action Affirmative action is currently one of the most debated topics in this country affirmative action essays of the recent Supreme Court case of Fisher v.

University of Texas. People are against affirmative action because they believe that it favors affirmative action essays group over the other and Affirmative Action In the early s, affirmative action essays, the concept of affirmative action was introduced. Under affirmative action, affirmative action essays, classes of people that Explain the main reasons why affirmative action has failed to end racial inequality. Kennedy set up Affirmative action with the principle Unfortunately, my chances of getting into Affirmative action, like many issues, has many supporters as well as many individuals in opposition. Affirmative action as well as workforce diversity have one goal in mind. That goal is equality; Equality regardless of race, religion, gender, or any other differences among people.

The key For too long, affirmative action essays, minorities have suffered. For too long, minorities have been treated unjustly. For too long, minorities have faced oppression. America must right their wrongs. They affirmative action essays A century ago, America had a much different landscape regarding equality amongst its citizens. An individual could be turned away simply because they were a woman, of an ethnic Affirmative Action Discrimination. What is race-based affirmative action? There are Affirmative Action Equality University. Throughout history, many groups of individuals affirmative action essays been denied opportunities because of various forms of discrimination. Today, our society has recognized that these individuals have been severely disadvantaged.

Laws and programs have been instituted designed to aid in the rectification of these results. Of these Affirmative Action College Inequality in Education. Feeling stressed about your essay? Starting from 3 hours delivery, affirmative action essays. Censorship Essays Child Labour Essays Corporal Punishment Essays Civil Rights Violation Essays Prison Violence Essays Concept of Freedom Essays Abortion Essays Animal Testing Essays Black Lives Matter Essays Bullying Essays. Top 10 Similar Topics Death Penalty Euthanasia Freedom of Speech Gun Control Human Trafficking Police Brutality Capital Punishment Same Sex Marriage Assisted Suicide Gay Marriage. Got it. Haven't found the right essay? Get an expert to write you the one you need!

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Essays on Affirmative Action. Essay examples. The Effectiveness of The Implementation of Race-based Affirmative Action in College Admission words 6 Pages. Race-based affirmative action refers to a policy which imposes remedies against discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin. The implementation of this policy within college admission processes has stood to be a highly controversial topic. There are many individuals who are in Affirmative Action Racial Discrimination. Abstract The policy of affirmative action and individual responses to such policies is the focus of this research essay. It opens with a brief discussion on the gender-based differences in acceptance levels of affirmative action policies.

The consequences of such actions on the targets have Affirmative Action Policy Society. The debate over the implementation of affirmative action at the work place, school and in national and global politics continues to get complicated with demographic changes and gender power shifts take effect in the world. Affirmative action is based on the principle of implementing fairness Affirmative Action. Affirmative Action Affirmative action is currently one of the most debated topics in this country because of the recent Supreme Court case of Fisher v. University of Texas. People are against affirmative action because they believe that it favors one group over the other and Affirmative Action In the early s, the concept of affirmative action was introduced.

While affirmative action was developed to help cure all discrimination in the United States, it is quite evident that this policy has been unable to accomplish its objective. If the affirmative…. References: Conn, S. The Legitimacy of Anti-Affirmative Action Initiatives: Didactical Lessons for 21st Century Administrators. Third Annual National Conference, Why is Affirmative Action Such a Divisive Issue? Many federal courts have held that community law enforcement agencies may adhere to the stipulations of the Equal Protection Clause if an organizational need validates the employer's intentional affirmative action labors.

In the arena of higher education, the Supreme Court has held in Grutter v. Bollinger that having an assorted student body can often account for the consideration of race as an issue in precise admissions results at colleges and universities without infringing the Equal Protection Clause or Title VI of the Civil ights Act of Companies usually do not have quotas since there is really is no such thing in consideration of Affirmative Action. As an alternative, there are numeric goals which are…. References Affirmative Action. Retrieved August 23, , from EEOC Web. aims to compensate people for past discrimination and its effects. A main effect of past discrimination is current competitive disadvantage; affirmative action gives victims a competitive advantage to compensate for this injury.

aims to block current discriminatory mechanisms by imposing a countervailing force in the opposite direction. It doesn't remove the factors -- prejudice, stereotypes, stigma, intergroup anxiety -- that cause discrimination; it just tries to block their discriminatory effects. current causes of race-based disadvantage -- segregation, stigmatization, discrimination -- by promoting racial integration. It thus aims for a future in which these causes no longer operate. The general idea is that group attributes can…. Bibliography Froomkin, Dan Affirmative Action Under Attack. Washington Post. Affirmative Action Special. htm Conflicted View of Affirmative Action the Pew Research Center 14 May pdf Anderson, Elizabeth S.

University of Michigan, Department of Philosophy. Online available at. Few of us would enthusiastically suppot pefeential admission policies if we did not believe they played a poweful, ieplaceable ole in giving nonwhites in Ameica access to highe education, entee to the national elite, and a chance of coecting histoic undeepesentations in the leading pofessions. Sande, , p. references and Affirmative Action in Making Admissions Decisions at a Predominantly White University. College Student Journal, 39 4 , Chander, a.

Minorities, Shareholder and Otherwise. Yale Law Journal, 1 , Dietz-Uhler, B. Evaluations of Affirmative Action Applicants: Perceived Fairness, Human Capital, or Social Identity?. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 38 , Robinson, R. The Supreme Court Rulings in Grutter V. Bollinger and Gratz V. Bollinger: The Brave New World of Affirmative Action in the 21st Century. Public Personnel Management, 36 1 , Sander, R. A Systemic Analysis of Affirmative Action in American Law Schools. Stanford Law Review, 57 2 , Furthermore, it is also believed that the evolution of American society is at a point where all forms of discrimination can be done away with.

Dworkin therefore appears to advocate a simple acceptance of all affirmative action programs in terms of their original intention; to redress the collectivist wrongs perpetrated against a collective sector of society, by another collective. In this, those belonging to the historically repressive collective should, in the spirit of future equality and social collectivism, accept these attempts in this light. One argument that Dworkin mentions is that those, like Hopwood and Bakke, who are disadvantaged tend not to feel overly positive regarding the collectivist future advantage of the country as a result of what they see as reverse discrimination. This creates bitterness and resentment, as mentioned in Yates. uch bitterness and resentment are hardly conducive to future unity in the country.

In response to this argument,…. Sources Bernstein, Richard. July 13, Boxill, Dworkin, Ronald et al. The Bakke Case: An Exchange. The New York Review of Books, Vol. Jan 26, Sandel, Affirmative Action is the set of public policies and initiatives designed to help eliminate past and present discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Affirmative action was set into place during the 's. Focusing in particular on education and jobs, affirmative action policies required that active measures be taken to ensure that blacks and other minorities enjoyed the same opportunities for promotions, salary increases, career advancement, school admissions, scholarships, and financial aid that had been the nearly exclusive province of whites.

However, despite its good intentions, affirmative action has actually created more problems than it has solved, explaining why so many are now calling for an end to its policies. Affirmative action violates our United States Constitution, favors the middle and upper class, allows unqualified entry to universities and jobs, promotes racism and fosters further discrimination. Affirmative action really is all about quotas rather than eliminating race…. Bibliography Affirmative Action: The Watershed. Arguments Against Affirmative Action. Brunner, Borgna. Bush Weighs In On Affirmative Action.

Erik's Pad and Pen. If affirmative action is permissible by law and sustainable by the Constitution, then it makes sense that universities would be allowed to continue their legacy admissions. The morality and ethics of legacy admissions is a different thing altogether. Affirmative action remains necessary in a nation that only abolished Jim Crow laws five decades ago and which still suffers from one of the largest income disparities of any developed country. On the other hand, legacy admissions further entrench the financially and culturally elite in positions of power. In Liberalism Divided, Owen M. Fiss analyzes what he calls the "group disadvantaging principle," p. Fiss posits the group disadvantaging principle as the principle underlying affirmative action. The principle acknowledges the link between race and class.

The group disadvantaging principle "seeks to end social subordination" by proactively uprooting all forms of social inequality and discrimination Fiss , p. It is…. References American Council on Education What Leaders are Saying about Affirmative Action and Diversity. cfm Bradley, R. Children of Alumni Check Here. Review of: The Price of Admission: How America's Ruling Class Buys Its Way Into Elite Colleges -- and Who Gets Left Outside the Gates. The New York Sun. Sept 21, Liberalism Divided: Freedom of Speech and the Many Uses of State Power. Legacy Admissions.

A Constrained Vision blog. Criticism of Affirmative Action Over the years, specific criticisms of Affirmative Action have developed as a result of the endless debate and legal wrangling over the issue, as well as the division in American society about the topic. The first criticism of Affirmative Action to consider is the assertion that the burden of compensating victims of discrimination usually becomes the responsibility of those who are not individually responsible for the discrimination itself. For example, in the case of employment, promotion and educational opportunities, white males are usually the ones who pay the consequences of discrimination violations even if they did not cause it.

While the argument is made that this is just because the white males receive the most benefit from discrimination against others, the same argument can be made that the price that white males pay for these extra opportunities exceed what they ever receive in return, making them…. This agency reviews affirmative action programs and addresses complaints, violations or issues with non-compliance Skrentny, Federal regulations specify that this written plan must include a detailed analysis of the employer's workforce by race, ethnicity, and sex as well as an analysis of any underrepresentation of particular groups Skrentny, If an underutilization is found, the employer is charged with determining if the representation of particular groups is lower in their workplace than in the geographic area and if so they will need to develop an affirmative action plan with targeted….

References Carrington, W. Using establishment size to measure the impact of Title VII and affirmative action. The Journal of Human Resources, 35 3 , Kelly, E. How affirmative action became diversity management. American Behavioral Scientist, 41 7 , Lee, R. The evolution of affirmative action. Public Personnel Management, 28 3 , Affirmative Action Case Fisher v. Texas Summarize the case's key arguments Fisher v. Texas is about two white students who were denied admission to the University of Texas in They felt discriminated against based upon the fact that the school overly relied on race to determine who will be admitted. Both students sued the university. They allege that race is giving unqualified candidates an advantage over applicants based upon ethnicity. As they felt that there were more neutral indicators.

That could be utilized to determining the best applicants. Texas," Wermeil, At the heart of their argument, was the fact that this policy violated the Equal Protection Clause under the 14th Amendment. It also went in direct conflict with Texas House Bill References Fisher v. aspx Wermeil, S. SCOTUS for Law Students. SCOTUS Blog. Affimative Action The Ameican Civil Wa ended an Afican holocaust that had lasted almost thee centuies, devastating geneations of human beings. It took most of the next centuy fo decedents of the Aficans enslaved in the Ameican States to enjoy any of the actual feedoms and ights that wee supposed to have been guaanteed to them afte In many espects, contempoay Ameican cultue still featues esidual consequences of Slavey in the eveyday lives of black Ameicans.

Affimative Action developed unde the Civil Rights movement initiated by the Kennedy Administation in the 's. Foty yeas late, the U. Supeme Cout is still heaing aguments epesenting two diametically opposite views of Affimative Action, in pinciple, most ecently, on June 23, , when it econsideed the issue in elation to its landmak uling of references based on racial identity. A failure to ignore the latter consideration undermines the moral and philosophical concerns expressed by the former, to the detriment of business, individual rights, the achievements of highly qualified minority candidates, and American society.

Carter, L. Reason In Law; Little Brown and Co. Grutter v. Bollinger, F. Affirmative action simply paints a broader picture of the person being considered and helps overcome implicit selection bias or favoritism for groups that are more 'like us. A company that searches in good faith but fails to find qualified minorities or women is not penalized for their failure, and unlike in a quota system, a "company incurs no legal penalty if it makes a good-faith search but still cannot meet its goals. Affirmative action allows an employee's contribution to the diversity of the company to be a factor in recruiting and hiring decisions" but it is….

Works Cited Federal Equal Opportunity Laws. The U. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. html John F. P A Affirmative action programs have helped countless numbers of minorities achieve positions of power. Because racial and gender prejudices have prevented people of color and women from being promoted, being hired, or being accepted to certain academic institutions, affirmative action programs are necessary to enforce equal opportunity laws. While some people might contend that affirmative action constitutes "reverse racism," I feel that prejudices are often unconscious and deeply rooted.

Therefore, affirmative action is necessary to ensure an even playing field for all persons, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, or gender. In my personal experience, affirmative action has made college campuses more diverse and therefore more representative of the world as a whole. I would not want to go to school or work in a homogenous environment, especially since American culture is heterogeneous. I have witnessed affirmative action work, because I know that many minorities that are in positions of power at…. The continued subordination of blacks in the work place is due to persistent discrimination at all stages of the employment process, from recruitment to interview, job offer, and promotion.

Studies conducted in the 's by the Urban Institute in Chicago, show significant levels of discrimination in the labor market against black and Hispanic job applicants. The discrimination that previous generations of blacks experienced in the labor market also harms modern blacks' employment prospects today. n important aspect of the labor market disadvantage suffered by frican-mericans is their high unemployment rate. Unemployment rates for frican-mericans are twice as high as those are for whites. This result reveals…. An important aspect of the labor market disadvantage suffered by African-Americans is their high unemployment rate.

Unemployment rates for African-Americans are twice as high as those are for whites. This result reveals that some employers were not treating male minority job seekers equally with white males of similar qualifications. The inflation-corrected wages of white women have been on a downturn since the mids. However, white men have not lost their superior position in the labor market: a substantial gap remains between their wages and those of white women and black men and women. Modest reductions have been made in that gap since Since then, they have been losing rather than gaining ground on white men.

White women gained no ground on white men until the early s; they have been gaining in the years since. Black women have made gains throughout the period, but recently their gains have not matched those of white women. The disparity in black men's wages relative to white men's over the last twenty years indicate that whatever help blacks have received from affirmative action has been modest at best. Affirmative action is the nation's most ambitious attempt to remedy its long history of racial and sexual discrimination. Although considerable improvements have been made, further advances are clearly needed. Disney next shifted its focus on middle and senior management, creating a phase called Integration of Values to Action, which stressed the need for ensuring training of managers on how their actions directly impact AA in the workplace.

This included role-playing and illustrating how a manager's role has direct implications on how biases in the workplace are created and supported. The EEOC audits showed a wide variation in the awareness of managers in terms of their ability to nurture and promote AA, or through negligence or a lack of perception, condone it. The last phase of the Disney Diversity Initiative is Leveraging Diversity in the Workplace. This is the capstone segment of the program and illustrates why it is so critical for every company to integrate AA strategies into their core business models, mission and value statements. Summary Contrasting its branding and company image, The Disney Company struggles with Affirmative…. References Lin Grensing-Pophal , November.

A balancing act on diversity audits. HR Magazine, 46 11 , Valerie L. Myers, Janice L. Recruitment and Retention of a Diverse Workforce: Challenges and Opportunities. Journal of Healthcare Management, 52 5 , Saseen, Jane. July -- August Page 26 U. EEOC, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission EEOC NOTICE. The Court sets that time period at 25 years, and seems to do so based on the fact that this case arose 25 years after the Court first authorized the use of race as a criterion for admissions. Looking at the changes that have occurred in the past 25 years, the Court believes that the United States may see sufficient changes in the next 25 years to erase the vestiges of slavery and racism. It is important to realize that the University of Michigan's consideration of race in the admissions process was not to correct for past discrimination, but to provide a diverse student body.

Therefore, it believed that it achieved a critical mass of minority students when its number of students was sufficient to prevent isolation of a minority student, to educate the entire student-body about minority issues, and to challenge stereotypes. Because the Court did not adopt the…. Affimative Action: Why We Need to Refom It It is widely believed that the Ameican society is a "melting pot" whee membes of acial, ethnic, eligious, and sexual minoities eventually mold into the mainsteam, becoming full-fledged citizens of the county. The eality, howeve, is much moe complicated. While it is tue that Ameica offes many oppotunities to all its citizens, thee is a histoy of discimination against minoity goups that affects the Ameican society even today. Afican-Ameicans wee confined to the shackles of slavey fo thee hunded yeas and fo anothe hunded yeas of institutionalized discimination, while othe minoity goups and women had to stuggle had to win civil ights and make the Ameican society moe egalitaian.

The Ameican society has pogessed to the point whee most citizens believe that eveyone should be entitled to equal ights egadless of one's ace, colo, gende, ethnicity, o eligion. And it is because…. In addition to changes in admission policies at universities, new workshops in education are beginning to address this issue head on, with teaching participants being taught that American history and education are both "written from the perspective of whites and that laws and policies benefit whites while putting minorities at an immediate disadvantage. A recent Supreme Court decision on student admission to the University of Michigan reflected this stance, offering real and applicable precedent that today reverberates in the collective movement to improve conditions for an ethnically diverse range of Americans.

In , Gratz v Bollinger began the long process of defending the Constitutionality of…. Works Cited: Alon, S. The Evolution of Class Inequality in Higher Education: Competition, Exclusion, and Adaptation. American Sociological Review, 74 5 , Austin, a. Reversal of Fortune. Washington DC: Economic Policy Institute, pp. Brunner, B. Timeline of Affirmative Action Milestones. Black History Month. Affirmative Action At its most objective definition, affirmative action entails "positive steps taken to increase the representation of women and minorities in areas of employment, education, and business from which they have been historically excluded.

For example, white males will not even notice that no Blacks serve on the boards of directors in companies he works for. Affirmative action is a policy that seeks to correct institutionalized and systematic discrimination by seeing to it that diversity is both a means and an end. To deny the validity of affirmative action would be to deny that racism or sexism still exist. Given that human beings exhibit poor judgement based on their background, upbringing, and psychological biases, and given the presence of institutionalized discrimination, affirmative action remains…. References Brunner, B. html s Froomkin, D. Affirmative action under attack.

htm Fullinwider, R. Affirmative action. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved online:. Affirmative Action Ever since the upheavals of the s precipitated a fundamental change in the way the United States regards civil rights, the notion of affirmative action has been regularly discussed and misunderstood throughout the national discourse. Requirements that certain employers enact affirmative action plans began with an executive order on the heels of the Civil Rights Act of , Title VII of which specifies that employers may not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The executive order requiring that certain employers take affirmative action has subsequently been misunderstood to mean something other than it really does, because this order is nonetheless constrained by Title VII.

By examining precisely which employers must maintain affirmative action plans and what those plans require them to do, one may understand the extent and limitations of affirmative action and how it relates to Title VII. Before considering affirmative…. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. Rubenfeld, J. Yale Law Journal, 2 , Commission on Civil Rights, Ohio Advisory Committee. Employment opportunities for minorities in Montgomery county, Ohio. Perhaps it's time that politics follows suit. Without denying that we are indeed diverse, it is necessary to recognize that we are all human beings.

Diversity makes us human, but discrimination violates the potential bonds of friendship within the societies in the United tates. Politicians and federal officials might do well to revisit the meaning of the constitution and of the very name of the country: we are United, diverse, unique, and deserve opportunities on the same level as everybody else. Only then can we be truly equal. html Brunner, Borgna. html Fullinwider, Robert. Schulman, Miriam. html Wilcher, Shirley J. Americans for a Fair Chance, Washington, D. Affirmative Action has been an issue of great debate and controversy since its establishment. Because of the very fact that such legislation was deemed needed is indicative of the mass inequality existing in a country that was formed on the basis of the individual liberties and justice.

Affirmative Action is a legal and social response to help eliminate the historical and social inequities of minorities and women and America. The deployment of a social progress regime enforced by law reminds us as a society, how grossly impaired we are in upholding and actualizing the virtue that "all men and women are created equal. This paper will discuss why some criticize Affirmative Action and well as an advantage and a disadvantage of eliminating the legislation. Criticisms of Affirmative Action The largest and most frequent criticism of Affirmative Action….

References Arguments For and Against Affirmative Action - StateUniversity. com Blog. Online University Degree Search - U. University Directory - State Universities and College Rankings. html A. Myth: Affirmative Action is Justified Only Under a Perpetrator-Victim Model. In the United States, supporters of affirmative action hoped that, by expanding the coverage to apply to many minority groups, they would broaden the political base favoring such programs. In practice, however, the wider coverage has diluted, in the minds of some, the moral argument in favor of a program intended to help the most obvious victims of governmental discrimination: African Americans and Native Americans. Some argue that the context matters. Thus, because Asian Americans and women are generally not under-represented among university student bodies, affirmative action admissions for them would now be inappropriate though they should not be singled out for restrictions.

On the other hand, among corporate executives or university faculties, blacks, Asians, Latinos, and women all faced exclusion in the past and remain under-represented today; therefore, in these areas all four groups ought to be beneficiaries of affirmative action. and to avoid provoking a backlash from poor and working-class whites who might be natural political allies of poor blacks. Many supporters of race-based affirmative action support class-based preferences to supplement, but not supplant, race-based preferences. They note that programs intended to benefit the poor and the working class provoked a political backlash e. More important, they argue that race-neutral criteria will still leave minorities—who have been the victims of both class and caste discrimination—under-represented.

Measuring the impact of affirmative action is difficult and controversial. Some critics argue that worldwide the record of affirmative action has been disastrous, even driving some societies to civil war e. Most U. studies agree that affirmative action has redistributed jobs, college admissions, and government contracts from white males to minorities and females, though only to a small extent. A more substantial shift occurred in minority enrollments at elite colleges and universities and in graduate programs, law schools, and medical schools. Critics claim that departure from the principle of merit led to positions being filled by less-qualified people, with a corresponding loss of quality and efficiency in the economy. Most studies found no evidence of weaker performance by women relative to men in those sectors of the economy with mandated affirmative action.

And though substantial evidence exists that minorities have weaker credentials than whites, their actual performance is only modestly weaker. For example, one study found that affirmative action reduced the number of African American lawyers because minority students admitted through affirmative action did worse in law school and then drop out or fail the bar exam than they would have if they had gone to easier law schools where they had not received admissions preferences. Critics of this study challenge it on methodological grounds, finding that affirmative action actually increased the number of African American lawyers. Also contradicting the mismatch hypothesis is the fact that blacks who attend elite colleges and universities where affirmative action is most prevalent have higher graduation rates and greater future success than do those who attend less competitive institutions.

Another way in which affirmative action is said to harm beneficiaries is psychologically, on the grounds that those admitted into schools or jobs on the basis of preferences are likely to suffer in terms of self-esteem or ambition. Others view them as not really qualified, and worse yet, they may view themselves that way as well. Supporters of affirmative action reply that white men did not feel undeserving during the years of open discrimination, even though they earned their credentials in a contest where many of their competitors were severely handicapped. As for stigmatization, stereotyping the abilities of subordinated minorities and women long predated affirmative action. Limited survey data suggest that blacks male and female and white females at firms with affirmative action programs do not have any lower scores on various psychological variables than their peers at other firms and that blacks at affirmative action firms have more ambition than blacks at other firms.

In the United States, legislation was passed in the aftermath of the Civil War to affirmatively assist African Americans, but with the end of Reconstruction, race-conscious measures were enacted exclusively for the purpose of subordinating blacks. Much of the ensuing struggle for civil rights involved attempts to remove legal impediments to equal rights; these efforts culminated in the Civil Rights Act of The first official use of the term affirmative action was in , when President John F. In , President Lyndon Johnson promulgated Executive Order , establishing the Office of Federal Contract Compliance to enforce affirmative action requirements.

Court challenges to affirmative action resulted in rulings that often left the question unsettled.

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