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Essay on kite flying

Essay on kite flying

Flying car Flying Flying Flying Flying vs. It comprises of kite flying, music, essay on kite flying, get-togethers, traditional food, and enjoyment. Menu Parts Of Spech Noun Pronoun Article Special usage essay on kite flying Verb Adverb Adjective Tense Active and Passive Preposition Counjection Interjection Direct adn Indirect Learnings Paragraph and Essay Stories Application Every Class Vocabulary words Common Problem Love Gurue Search. Related Essays. Kites are made of different materials, embellished with various styles. By Hania naz. Kites are made in different shapes and different colours.

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Menu Parts Of Spech Noun Pronoun Article Special usage of Verb Adverb Adjective Tense Active and Passive Preposition Counjection Interjection Direct adn Indirect Learnings Paragraph and Essay Stories Application Every Class Vocabulary words Common Problem Love Gurue Search. Home » paragraphs » Kite Flying Essay in English. Kite Flying Essay in English. Kite flying is a very popular game. Note only boys but also young men all over the world have a great likening for it. They hold kite-flying matches, essay on kite flying. These contests are very interesting and are witnessed by large crowds of people. The strings of two kites rub against each other, till one is cut off, in three midst of loud shouts of bo kaata.

Many boys and young men run to catch hold of the cut off kite or to loot its string. Sometimes they quarrel with one another, and the quarrels lead to serious consequences. Sometimes kites are flown from the tops of essay on kite flying houses. Some break their limbs, while others lose their lives in these accidents. Basant, essay on kite flying, the festival of kites, is celebrated with great pomp and show in our country. Lacs of rupees are lost by the lovers of kite-flying in a signal day. But that cannot be helped. The adventures of their kites in the air fill them with endless joy. By Hania naz. Tags paragraphs. Share to:.

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No matter where you live, the passion for Basant catches you there. Competitions of kite flying, bets among friends, and beauty contests among kites add to the spirit of Basant. Basant has earned much fame as to attract the foreign tourists to pack the bags and get on their way to be Basantie. In Pakistan, notably in Punjab, Basant is considered to be a huge fun. Ladies like to wear special traditional yellow and other colorful dresses. Gents also do some special preparations in this regard. Children are a visual delight on Basant. When the date for Basant is announced, right there starts the preparation to make it as much enjoyable as anyone can think.

The Youth starts gathering kites and all the related accessories. Everyone looks forward to have a great time. Media gives full coverage to Basant festival. Basant is also an inspiration for poets and singers. Kite flying becomes a golden memory of childhood when we are grown up and have no time to enjoy it on daily basis. In such an alternation of days and nights, Basant festival brings us a chance to relish it as a sweet after some hot chilies and spices. Kites are made of different materials, embellished with various styles. Children love to learn the art of kite flying and young boys try to be as expert as they can. Kite making selling have taken the shape of a small industry in Pakistan. Kites flying contests are also held at many places in Calcutta, such contests are held regularly every year.

When one kite snaps another kite, children are seen running and following the snapped kite to take it in their possession. Hindi Essay, English Essay, Punjabi Essay, Biography, General Knowledge, Ielts Essay, Social Issues Essay, Letter Writing in Hindi, English and Punjabi, Moral Stories in Hindi, English and Punjabi. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. English Essays. Flying Kites Flying kites is one of the oldest pastimes for people of all ages. Sometimes kites are flown from the tops of the houses. Some break their limbs, while others lose their lives in these accidents. Basant, the festival of kites, is celebrated with great pomp and show in our country.

Lacs of rupees are lost by the lovers of kite-flying in a signal day. But that cannot be helped. The adventures of their kites in the air fill them with endless joy. By Hania naz. Tags paragraphs. Share to:.

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