Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Gays in the military essay

Gays in the military essay

Table of Contents. Different cultures of different epochs have viewed this subject in varying ways, gays in the military essay, depending, not unexpectedly, on the belief systems in place in those cultures. However, gays in the military essay ADAM and EVE had sons only or daughters only? Is it right for society and our government to say no you cannot serve your county and defend the Constitution of the United States? July 19, Posted by: Sergei Category: Argumentative and Controversial No Comments. In many cultures, homosexual people are regularly the focus of bigotry and discrimination. Can homosexuals start a family?

Essay title: Gays in the Military

Gays should be allowed in the military because they are people too. It is not fair to homosexual people to not allow them into the military, or to discharge them. It is unjust and not right. If they wish to serve there is no reason why they should not be allowed to. Colin Powell has brought up how this relates very much to how America did not let African Americans serve in the military in the past. It has long since been proven that African American soldiers serve just as well as a Caucasian soldier. Most people choose to avoid their problem this way and let it continue to exist. This needs to stop.

It goes again the American standard, gays in the military essay, the very morals of this great country, to discriminate against homosexuals that wish to serve in our military. It is ludicrous to think that the military has spent over half a million dollars in the past decade to chase down and discharge gay military soldiers. In fact, in the year28 of our countries most elite language experts were discharged for being homosexual in the military, gays in the military essay. Some of these 28 men and women were specialists on the Korean and Arabic languages.

That is living proof that gays in the military essay can do the job just as well as any heterosexual. Gays in the Military. com, 11 Accessed 11, Essay title: Gays in the Military Gays should be allowed in the military because they are people too. Read full document Save. Download as for upgraded members. Citation Generator APA MLA MLA 7 CHICAGO.

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Most people choose to avoid their problem this way and let it continue to exist. This needs to stop. It goes again the American standard, the very morals of this great country, to discriminate against homosexuals that wish to serve in our military. It is ludicrous to think that the military has spent over half a million dollars in the past decade to chase down and discharge gay military soldiers. In fact, in the year , 28 of our countries most elite language experts were discharged for being homosexual in the military. Some of these 28 men and women were specialists on the Korean and Arabic languages. That is living proof that homosexuals can do the job just as well as any heterosexual.

Gays in the Military. com, 11 Accessed 11, The president has a very strong role to play in determining whether gay people should be allowed to work in the military. This is because the military only answers to the president and nobody else. It is therefore the responsibility of the president to make a ruling on whether gay people should be allowed to work in the military or whether they should be dismissed. This has been an issue that different presidents of United States have had to critically look into and come up with a solid decision.

However, it has been difficult for them to state clearly on whether gay people should or should not work in the military Wood, Since most presidents always seek the support of the military, they therefore do not come out clear on whether they support gays in the military. When Clinton was the vice president of the United States, there was a rule that was based on Article of UCMJ which stated that homosexuals were not supposed to work in the military Drockton, n. For example, if a person was believed to be gay, or that he engaged in any kind of homosexual behavior, he was subjected to investigation in order for the military to gather enough evidence on whether the person was really a homosexual.

If he was found to be a homosexual, then he was supposed to be dismissed from the force. There were even times when the military men could be court-martialed and if they were found guilty of taking part in the act, they would receive severe punishment. In order to favor his campaigns for the presidential seat, Clinton promised the military that he would eradicate all the constraints that the homosexuals who were working in the military were exposed to. Clinton said that once he was elected he would do anything in his power and direct the Secretary of defense to do away with the policy because it interfered with the private life of the military men. The members of the Congress were however worried about the actions that Clinton was taking.

This is because the congress would not manage to make the DOD Policy into federal law once Clinton interfered with their actions. The Congress argued that if the policy had been passed into federal law, nobody would have been able to over-ride it, meaning that the military would have been able to conduct their activities without any interference from the outside world Powers, In this context, it can be seen that the subject of gays working in the military was not welcome by the members of the State and Mr. Clinton was attempting to abolish the policy in order to win the confidence of those men who were serving in the military. Clinton did not want to be over-ridden by the Congress and he was unsure whether to enact the Executive Order that was brought forth by the congress to pass.

Clinton issued an order where the Congress was forced to drop the legislation. If this legislation was successful the homosexuals would be completely forbidden from entering the military Powers, Today, under the DOD policy, the military is no longer supposed to ask a person his sexual preference when those people are being enlisted to join the military. The military is therefore not supposed to investigate any claim when a person is regarded as a homosexual. The military is responsible for scrutinizing any accusations of homosexual conduct in the force. By engaging in homosexual activities, a person can still be discharged. This not only involves engaging in homosexual act, but also telling other people that you are a homosexual. Moreover, during his campaigns, president Obama on the other hand assured the military that he would substitute the DOD policy with a policy that would permit gay people to continue working in the military Drockton, n.

However, even after taking office, he has not been able to implement the policy. It is clear therefore that those people who are against the DOD policy do not have sufficient experience regarding how the military operates. It is true that there have been many homosexuals who have worked with honor without their nature of being homosexuals being disclosed. It is the duty of the military therefore to look for ways in which it can house homosexuals without violating their sexual privacy. This way the morale of those homosexuals in the military would not be affected. It is also true that since it is not mandatory for a person to serve in the military, the military should be the one to decide who is right to serve in the military.

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