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Should abortion be legalised essay

Should abortion be legalised essay

Should Abortion Be Legalized Essay Example. There has been a continuous debate on the abortion though it is legally practiced in some regions. By not giving the choice to a woman to…. There are many that call abortion murder, morally and ethically wrong even inhumane but the fact still remains that it is not murder unless the individual or organism should abortion be legalised essay question is living. After discovering that she was pregnant, she attempted to self-initiate an abortion and ended up dying from difficulties that arose from her risky abortion and incapability to get medical services. The anti-abortionists have not yet realized instances where abortion may be completely necessary even if the pregnant woman may be in need of a child, should abortion be legalised essay.

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Abortion has been one of the contentious issues in most nations of the world, especially in the United States of America. Abortion should be recognized as a right in the United States of America, this statement is supported by the arguments of Roemerpp. Many citizens who contemplate abortion have experienced the disapprovals from a section of the society, especially the conservative Christians. In the history of abortion and its legality, should abortion be legalised essay, there have been many legal changes that at sometimes legalize abortion and other times the legality of abortion is abolished.

There has been a continuous debate on the abortion though it is legally practiced in some regions. The paper discusses the legality of abortion and how illegalizing abortion contravenes the very laws that protect the rights of women. The main focus of this discussion is that, taking into consideration all dangers associated with pregnancy, abortion should be legalized. It offers the precedence to what necessitates abortion in certain situations where the rights of the pregnant woman override those of the unborn. There are many premises on which the debate about abortion has been anchored. The most dominant premise on which this one has been done is religion. The religious groups, especially the Christians and Muslims, are historically known to be ardent anti-abortionists Naden,p.

They entirely rely on what is recorded in the bible and the Koran respectively, but the two holy books have not openly discussed anything related to abortion. The premises on which the religious groups base their arguments are simply interpretations of what the books record, should abortion be legalised essay. Christian arguments against abortion are directly interpreted from Jeremiah 1: 5. This is a should abortion be legalised essay of God speaking to somebody called Jeremiah, should abortion be legalised essay was a Christian prophet around the year B. A good number of powerful politicians, who also profess these faiths, have also been known to argue against abortion on the basis of religion, which is a subjective way of taking up the argument.

Such politicians have not taken into account that their stand on any national issue should not be seen to be biased, should abortion be legalised essay must be representative of all those they represent irrespective of any form of affiliations, should abortion be legalised essay. When it comes to matters of religion, the state is supposed to uphold its neutrality status. Legalizing abortion will allow women to be free from any harm that may arise from pregnancies, especially when the pregnancy is unwanted. This will also allow women to choose whether they really want to keep the child they carry or not. The support given to religious anti-abortionists by some powerful politicians even complicates further the matter of whether to illegalize or legalize abortion.

Assuming that the Christian bible does not prohibit abortion, are there any other reasons abortion should be illegalized? Most, if not all, of the reasons anti-abortionists detest abortion are based on religious principles. If the religious basis is taken out of the picture then they do no have any concrete reasons. Thus, using Christian or religious perspective to illegalize abortion is to deny the non-religious citizens certain fundamental rights, should abortion be legalised essay. There are several biased arguments that have been advanced against abortion and some of such biases are fallacies that do not conform to the reality of the issues at hand.

One such argument is the hypothesis that abortion may result into breast cancer; this hypothesis is even accepted by some politicians. This notion has been disproved and can be viewed as a plot by the anti-abortionist to persuade women against abortion Basso,p. The fight against abortion is historical and most of the reasons advanced actually beat the logic. The debate on abortion has become so hot that anti-abortionists specifically target the women and doctors who contemplate abortion with violent actions. The anti-abortionists have made it difficult for women to secure the services of abortion by harassing the professionals who offer the services and also the women who go for the abortion.

It has also been argued, that there has never been an unwanted pregnancy. The proponents of this argument state that in case the mother does not want the kid she can give the child to a family that would like to adopt the child. Such an argument is oblivious of the fact that it is humanly painful to see a child being raised by another family yet the mother may be able to take care of the child. How does a rich woman feel when her child is being raised by a low social class family yet she enjoys everything she has? Here we argue against the legalization of abortion as it recognizes the basis on which abortion may be illegalized. Abortion has often been punishable since time immemorial. As much as a woman should be allowed the right to abort, the whole issue is still debated on with reference to religious beliefs and principles.

Both anti-abortionists and pro-abortionists have become hardliners; this implies that either side hold on the belief and conviction that it is right. Considering both sides of the debate, it is important to realize that they present some genuine arguments. The nation is a secular state; this means that the state should approach the issue putting into consideration the population dynamics in terms of religious beliefs. In most cases, the pro-abortionists have failed to realize the danger in which the whole society is placed. Even though the anti-abortion crusaders have not really mentioned it in detail, some anti-abortionists have argued that that the sustenance of the population of the society is likely to end up in jeopardy if abortion is allowed to be practiced openly.

Pregnancy is the only natural means by which the dying population is replaced the future generation brought into existence; the new generation can only be brought to the world through pregnancy. In view of its long run effects, the sentiments of the anti-abortionists are therefore understandable on the grounds that abortion will interfere with the natural replacement of the aging and the dying population Noonan,p, should abortion be legalised essay. Even though death can occur in any situation should abortion be legalised essay human life, especially with regards to women, it is important to realize that abortion is one of the risk factors that can independently cause death. In this case, death may arise when the person offering the services of abortion is not medically qualified or in cases where the medical professional is likely to commit human error or omission.

Many a time, a pregnant woman seeks an abortion without considering the possible consequences. One of the consequences is death, as previously discussed. A woman may seek an abortion as a right and in the end cut short her life hence ending the enjoyment of her right of life. Abortion has high potential of causing secondary infertility which implies that such a woman is should abortion be legalised essay likely to stay without giving birth to children after should abortion be legalised essay. The infertility arises from complications following improper treatment after abortion or due to medical misfortune during the whole process.

The process of abortion may cause serious damages to the womb thereby preventing the attachment of other subsequent embryos. Other problems include infection of the uterus, pelvic inflammatory disease, and cervical incompetence McConnell,p. These form parts of the fears anti-abortionists have against abortion. It is true that issues pertaining to abortion are grounded on Christianity or rather religion as opposed to the morals of the society as whole. It is wrong to state, that those arguing against abortion are driven by religious belief and conservativeness; there are atheists who do not support abortion and would do everything they can to ensure they do not support abortion, regardless of whether it remains legal or illegalized.

It is important that all these views also be considered Converse,p. Critically examining these arguments we find that the religious groups have only been concerned with the right of unborn and forgotten that the mother carrying the child is also a human being who needs to survive or rather enjoy the same right to live as the unborn child, should abortion be legalised essay. It is right to argue that the unborn has the right to live, especially when pregnancy has reached an advanced stage, should abortion be legalised essay. This is a question the conservatives have not addressed and seem not to be ready to address. Many pro-life supporters approve of abortion in such case; however, the instances in which they disapprove of it outweigh the instances in which they may accept it.

This question can only be answered appropriately by objective intervention of the law that must come in to protect both the pregnant women and the unborn children. Again, not all pregnancies arise out of mutual consent between a man and a woman; some pregnancies arise due to rape LaFollette, should abortion be legalised essay,p. All women, especially the unmarried, have the right to choose whether they want to have babies or not. In a situation where a woman is forcefully impregnated and she does not want the baby she should be allowed to abort as a right.

It may be logical that a pregnancy be terminated in order to save the life of woman, should abortion be legalised essay, however; this may not be possible where abortion is blindly illegalized. The medical professionals may recommend abortion but not carry it out due to legal implications hence letting the woman to lose her life. With the current legal abortion in force, to think about denying a woman the chance to abort is should abortion be legalised essay gross violation of human right with respect to the current legal status of the law on abortion. It is unfortunate that even after abortion has been legalized, there are still strong oppositions to it and the anti-abortionists still continue to ignore the facts that should are now sufficient to persuade the on the need to legalize abortion in certain wanting circumstances.

The anti-abortionists have not yet realized instances where abortion may be completely necessary even if the pregnant woman may be in need of a child. Taking for instance, a case where a woman gets pregnant because of rape. It will be painful for a woman to be constantly reminded about should abortion be legalised essay raped by keeping the child. Again, what will the child feel if one day he or she is told that his or her conception was as a result of rape? This is a scenario that can stress a woman to death hence interfering with her right of life. It may be possible to illegalize abortion, however, it is notable it will not stop whether legalized or illegalized. Women, especially the financially disabled, will seek the services of unqualified medical doctors or resort to other illegal means which may prove to be even more life threatening than when the act is legalized to be done by qualified and licensed professionals.

The rich women who are able to meet the cost will travel to secure abortion services in other countries where it is legalized. It is therefore important to note that legalizing abortion should abortion be legalised essay not just recognizing the right of relevant personnel but also providing a legal basis on which lives of pregnant women can be saved in case of complications due to pregnancies Moore and Parker,p. As much as abortion has some health implications, it is important to realize that it should be legalized so that it can take care of both sides of argument. Legalizing abortion does not mean that every woman will be forced to do so but it allows for those whose lives are in danger due to pregnancy to seek medical recourse, should abortion be legalised essay.

To safeguard the furtherance of the societal population, the abortion clauses should spell out clearly conditions under which pregnancies should be terminated. The decisions to terminate such pregnancies should follow from licensed medical professionals. This will ensure that the societal morals are not degenerated. The legal status of abortion should not be reversed. Any modification should only make it be in the form of a synergy for both pro-abortionists and anti-abortionists. Basso, M. New York: Fairview Press.

LaFollette, H. Ethics in practice: an anthology. Volume 3 of Blackwell philosophy anthologies. Melbourne: Wiley-Blackwell. Lee, E. Abortion, should abortion be legalised essay, motherhood, and mental health: medicalizing reproduction in the United States and Great Britain. United Kingdom: Transaction Publishers. Mattingly, R. In every pew sits a broken heart: hope for the hurting. New York: Zondervan. McConnell, T.

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Related Topics Abortion Essays Oppression Essays Pro Life Abortion Essays Alcohol Abuse Essays Alcoholism Essays. Hi there! Are you interested in getting a customized paper? Check it out! Other than that, pro-life advocates also use fetal pain as a point to strengthen their objection towards legal abortion. Fetal pain is referring to the pain a fetus would suffer from abortion. However, the fetal pain belief is objected by the pro-choice advocates. The researchers of University of California did researches and said that the fetus is unlikely to feel any pain during abortion until the third trimester.

Studies and reports showed that the fetus will only react to the stimulation at the third trimester, which means they will not feel any pain until they are about 28 weeks. In my opinion, I think abortion up to the late second trimester should be legalized as there are some specific cases and situation where women need abortion. If abortion is not legalized, more people will choose to go for illegal abortion which is more dangerous. They may encounter improper trained doctors or medical centers lacking of proper medical facilities. Furthermore, if a pregnant woman especially a teenager is to give birth unwillingly, most of the time the scenario we could see are babies being abandoned and left to die.

Unwanted babies are often left in public toilets or rubbish bins. Obviously, they will suffer and eventually die. This should be the very last thing that we hope to see. Besides that, for some unprepared couples who are too young and not ready or single mothers who are still naive, how is the life of the baby would be? Children would be the one who suffer if they do not have enough love from their parents. Of course, there is an alternative way, which is adopting. Adopting usually provides more benefits and opportunities for both mother and child. Supporting Evidence 1. The belief that individuals should be able to make their own choices also shapes attitudes about what abortion policy should be.

This powerful Impulse Is present In many areas of life besides abortion. A Honeysuckle Partners In April found a quarter of respondents agreed with the statement that smoking is a bad habit and our society should do everything possible to stamp it out. The majority seventy-three percent opted instead for smoking may be a bad habit, but everyone should have the right to make his or her own choice about whether to smoke or not. Explanation 1. The main focus is of this choice and whether that choice should be left up too group of individuals. We have the ability to make choices that affect the way we live our lives every day, the same should be for the topic of abortion. Whether this choice is considered morally wrong by some the fact still remains the choice belongs to that individual.

The choice to have an abortion is a personal decision that should be made between the potential parents and an approved medial professional. The fact that Government has any involvement in this decision is an intrusion into our personal life and there is no place for that! These decisions are difficult enough for the potential parents without having the Government involved. So What? As a United States citizen we have the right to make choices that may affect lives in a positive way or negative way those decisions stem from what kind of car we drive, hat type of employment we choose, where we choose to live and whether to choose the option of abortion. All these decisions have factors that affect them such as; financial, personal and medical but the Government should not be one of them.

Our lives are determined by the decisions we make day to day and we should be free to make these choices without any group of individuals having a say so in that. The choice to have an abortion is our choice and no one else because it affects us and only us. Body paragraph 2 — Topic Sentence 2 In our society there are those that are against abortion stating that it is morally rang. They outline several reasons such as; ethical reasons, emotional and scientific reasons. There are arguments that state abortion is unsafe and is a form of birth control for some who are not responsible enough to use proper birth control.

These arguments all revert back to the issue that an unborn fetus is a living, breathing organism and have the same rights Just as any other individual.

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