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Essay on checks and balances

Essay on checks and balances

Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? Get My Paper, essay on checks and balances. Congress has formal agenda-setting authority, the president can make a take-it-or leave-it offer to the Senate when appointing cabinet members and judges. As shown above, the three branches all work together to establish a successful constitution and an excellent government. Haven't found the right essay? Get an expert to write you the one you need! Statutory Interoperation Essay.

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powers and checks and balances is that they prevent the government from gaining too much power which could potentially lead to a tyranny. Checks and balances help keep separation of powers by giving each branch specific powers that can check the other branch's actions. Balance is described…. Philadelphia to improve the document, but instead they scraped it and created an entirely new document known as the Constitution. In it, essay on checks and balances, they included the separation of powers and checks and balances. The system of checks and balances is one of the most significant part of the Constitution since it maintains the balance of power between the different branches of government, while also protecting the rights of the individual.

The writers of the Constitution created the separation of powers…. The Federalist Papers were written during the time period of with the hopes of ratifying the constitution. The Federalist Papers consist of 85 essays composed from writers such as James Madison, John Jay, essay on checks and balances Alexander Hamilton. These papers were published as essays anonymously in New York newspapers. The Federalist Papers were originally under the name of The Federalist until the 20th century. James Madison wrote both Federalist Paper No. These essay on checks and balances both discuss the power….

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The Federalist Paper The Federalist Papers were written during the time period of with the hopes of ratifying the constitution. Ready To Get Started? Create Flashcards. Discover Create Flashcards Mobile apps. Company About FAQ Support Legal Accessibility. Follow Facebook Twitter. Privacy Policy CA Privacy Policy Site Map Advertise Cookie Settings.

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Therefore, there are limits to the actions of each government branch. Checks and balances ensure that no government branch misuses its power. This paper is an analysis of the checks and balances set up by the Constitution to protect the citizenry from excesses by the arms of government. As mentioned above, the Legislature plays the role of making laws in the government. It has also been given certain powers by the constitution in order to check the excesses of the Executive. Such powers include the ability to override vetoes by the President if two-thirds of its members accept the override. The Legislature can also influence the amount of funds given to the Executive for delivering services to the citizenry.

It can also impeach the President. The Senate checks Executive powers by approving treaties and appointments by the President. Legislature can also impeach judges, create low categories of courts, and approve judicial appointments. It also has checks over the Judiciary. This is because the President, who also appoints federal judges, is responsible for appointing the Supreme Court. The Judiciary checks the excesses of the Executive because of its independence from the Executive. Courts can declare the unconstitutionality of Executive actions. The Judiciary also checks Legislative excesses by declaring the acts of the Legislature as unconstitutional.

The government can properly address the current issue of lack of proper regulation in the banking industry if it implements proper checks and balances. The Executive can propose legislation for regulation. If this legislation contains excesses by the Executive that are unlikely to solve the problem, the Legislature Congress can reject it. Federalism is an arrangement that divides power among a federal government and its constituent states. Each level of government must have certain powers delegated to it, and these powers must be constitutionally protected. Federal bargains, by their nature, create checks on government authority.

Some scholars have suggested that the checks and balances inherent in a federal system provide economic benefits by creating competition among states. Barry Weingast has argued that federalism helps preserve market economies by preventing government interference in the market. Others, like Daniel Triesman, however, have pointed to problems associated with decentralization. Regardless, when states have the ability to block legislation, they become another veto player in the political system and they may make policy change more difficult. Bicameralism closely relates to federalism and can greatly impact policy making as well. States often have their interests represented through an upper chamber of a bicameral legislature, where they collectively have veto rights. This was case in the United States prior to the direct election of senators in Even though U.

senators today represent citizens directly, rather than state governments, the states receive equal representation regardless of size in the Senate. In Germany, state representatives in the German upper house, the Bundesrat, have the ability to veto certain types of legislation passed by the lower house of parliament, the Bundestag. When the upper chamber can veto legislation and has policy preferences that differ from the lower chamber, policy stability becomes more likely due to the presence of an additional institutional veto player. Regardless of their effects on economic growth, federalism and bicameralism are likely to make policy change more difficult.

After legislation has been written, bureaucrats must implement the law and judges may inter pret it. The degree of freedom that judges and bureaucrats have with regard to interpretation and implementation relates to the checks and balances present within the political system. In systems with a greater number of checks and balances more veto players , judges and bureaucrats have more discretion to interpret and implement the law. This is because politicians have limited ability to overturn what judges and bureaucrats do through the political process. Judges, through their ability to interpret law, and bureaucrats, through their ability to implement policy, can influence policy outcomes. The delegation of powers to judges and bureaucrats creates a principal-agent problem for politicians.

On the one hand, politicians rely upon these actors. Judges are needed to ensure that the law is followed, and they are required to interpret the law when situations arise that lawmakers did not originally anticipate. Bureaucrats are required for their policy expertise in particular areas. Legislators do not have the time or knowledge required to implement the laws that they write themselves. On the other hand, politicians cannot be sure that judges and bureaucrats desire the same policy outcomes they do. When judges and bureaucrats have different policy preferences than the politicians in power, the judges and bureaucrats may have some ability to reshape policy outcomes after the legislative process has been completed.

This is known as shirking. Politicians, though, are not completely powerless to prevent shirking. They have an arsenal of tools at their disposal to control judges and bureaucrats: Politicians can write more specific, detailed legislation ex ante, or they can monitor and punish shirking ex post. However, these tools are only effective to the degree that politicians can agree on how to use them. When there are fewer veto players, it is easier for politicians to enforce the policy outcome. Moreover, politicians are better able to overrule adverse judicial interpretations through the political process, something of great concern to judges who typically fear having their decisions overturned.

The judiciary is also less independent when interpreting the law, and bureaucrats have less leeway when implementing it as the number of veto players and the ideological distance between them decreases. A political system with fewer checks can better respond to external crises than a system with many checks. When there are many veto players, they may not be able to agree on the best way to handle a crisis. This, in turn, may impact upon government stability. In parliamentary systems with coalition governments, a crisis may lead parties in a governing coalition to disagree, causing the government to collapse. This leads to the formation of a new government, and the possible dissolution of parliament and new elections. Therefore, in parliamentary systems, more veto players should mean less government stability.

In presidential systems, it is not possible to remove a president during the middle of a term for ideological reasons, although the possibility of impeachment for criminal activities does provide the legislature with some form of check. While parliamentary systems provide a constitutional mechanism to remove ineffective governments during a term, presidential systems do not. When a crisis arises in a presidential system with a great number of veto players, the system may be rendered immobile. This could potentially lead some to seek extra constitutional means for change in the form of coups or revolution.

Therefore, while high numbers of veto players in parliamentary democracy may lead to government instability, high numbers of veto players in presidential systems are likely to lead to regime instability and a greater likelihood of reversion to authoritarian regimes. While there is little doubt today that parliamentary democracies are less likely to revert to authoritarian rule than presidential systems, there is still some debate about why. Some scholars believe that the features of presidential systems make them more susceptible to democratic breakdown, as the logic laid out here would suggest. Others, however, point out that it is difficult to know what leads to regime collapse because most presidential democracies also suffer from other maladies that increase the likelihood of authoritarian reversals, such as poverty, poor economic growth, and a history of previous military rule.

Related Documents Compare And Contrast Essay On Checks And Balances powers and checks and balances is that they prevent the government from gaining too much power which could potentially lead to a tyranny. Read More. Words: - Pages: 2. How To Write An Essay About Checks And Balances Philadelphia to improve the document, but instead they scraped it and created an entirely new document known as the Constitution. Words: - Pages: 3. The Federalist Paper The Federalist Papers were written during the time period of with the hopes of ratifying the constitution.

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