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Essay on childhood obesity

Essay on childhood obesity

Public Health Medicine6 1 A study by The American Heart Association shows that obesity in children has more than tripled from Essay on childhood obesity About FAQ Support Legal Accessibility, essay on childhood obesity. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Due to increase in the rate of childhood obesity, it has become a matter of public health and there is a greater need to sensitize parents on the precautionary steps to be taken. Introduction Childhood obesity has become an epidemic in the United States and other western industrialized societies.

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Obesity among children has become one of the greatest health challenges in the world, essay on childhood obesity. Childhood obesity occurs when children have excess body fat in relation to their body index as a result of the adoption of unhealthy eating behavior at an early age, making them clinically unhealthy. Numerous studies such as by the CDC estimate that one five school children in the U. S are obese amounting to about 15 percent of the population. Numerous causes have been identified as major contributors to childhood obesity.

Consumption of unhealthy foods is the primary reason precipitating obesity in children, essay on childhood obesity. Research in the United States documents that most children feed on fast foods, processed junk foods and vending machine snacks, candy, baked wheat products and fruit juices that contain high amounts of sugars and calories with minimal or no nutrients whatsoever that they feed on them in excess. Thus, their bodies absorb excess calories and fat that are stored resulting in them becoming obese. Lack of regulation in the food industries contributes to childhood obesity. Many manufacturers process their foods stuff, majoring on increasing their sales as opposed to promoting the health of the consumers.

Most of them have penetrated the school systems in the U. where they have filled it with unhealthy foods for the children thereby increasing the development of unhealthy eating habits. Television and advertising companies have been linked to childhood obesity. Advertisers spend on average two billion dollars in the U. S each year marketing foods to children, essay on childhood obesity. The majority of the foods advertised are unhealthy foods containing calories, sugar, and sodium that bombard children every time they watch televisions. Consequently, children influence their parents to buy these unhealthy foods thereby increasing the consumption of unhealthy foods.

Lack of physical exercise is essay on childhood obesity contributor to childhood obesity. However, with the onset of computer games, the internet, chatting, television, and radios, children have adopted sedentary lifestyles where they spend most of their time in front of various electronic devices. Moreover, fewer children walk to school or engaged in sporting activities thereby increasing their chances of obesity. Despite the above-listed causes, various institutions have brought on opposition. Food and advertising companies making junk and fast foods argue that advertising of foods to children does not lead to childhood obesity, essay on childhood obesity. However, fast foods and processed foods, whether taken in moderation or not, contain harmful substances that are unhealthy.

Food services executives argue that the government has no right whatsoever to introduce regulations that impact the lives of the people. According to them, dictating the types of foods that people should eat violates their right to freedom and choice particularly in schools. Thus, individuals particularly children should be allowed to consume the foods they want. I disagree because many children do not have the knowledge on the dangers of consuming various foods or self-control over them, essay on childhood obesity, thus regulations are vital. In conclusion, various aspects in our society such as advertisements, the food consumed, food regulations and physical exercises should be enforced and observed and not opposed.

Arguing that lack of discipline and need for freedom to consume unhealthy foods are misguided arguments that should be done away. Buy Essay Pay For Essay Write My Essay Homework Writing Help Essay Editing Service Thesis Writing Help Write My College Essay Do My Essay Term Essay on childhood obesity Writing Service Coursework Writing Service Write My Research Paper Assignment Writing Help Essay Writing Help. Login Order now. Call Now! Order now. Search for:. Order now! Get Custom Essay from:. Free essay sample on the given topic "Advantages Of Studying Locally".

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S are obese amounting to about 15 percent of the population. Numerous causes have been identified as major contributors to childhood obesity. Consumption of unhealthy foods is the primary reason precipitating obesity in children. Research in the United States documents that most children feed on fast foods, processed junk foods and vending machine snacks, candy, baked wheat products and fruit juices that contain high amounts of sugars and calories with minimal or no nutrients whatsoever that they feed on them in excess. Thus, their bodies absorb excess calories and fat that are stored resulting in them becoming obese. Lack of regulation in the food industries contributes to childhood obesity. Many manufacturers process their foods stuff, majoring on increasing their sales as opposed to promoting the health of the consumers.

Most of them have penetrated the school systems in the U. where they have filled it with unhealthy foods for the children thereby increasing the development of unhealthy eating habits. Television and advertising companies have been linked to childhood obesity. Advertisers spend on average two billion dollars in the U. S each year marketing foods to children. The majority of the foods advertised are unhealthy foods containing calories, sugar, and sodium that bombard children every time they watch televisions. Consequently, children influence their parents to buy these unhealthy foods thereby increasing the consumption of unhealthy foods. Lack of physical exercise is another contributor to childhood obesity.

However, with the onset of computer games, the internet, chatting, television, and radios, children have adopted sedentary lifestyles where they spend most of their time in front of various electronic devices. Moreover, fewer children walk to school or engaged in sporting activities thereby increasing their chances of obesity. Is it aids? Maybe flu? But the fact is, many experts considered obesity as an epidemic due to the rapid growth of the number of obese children globally. Thirty years ago, the rate of obese children in the USA has been increased three times. Unsurprisingly, America is now taking the lead of the highest number of obesity all over the world. The purpose of this proposal is to demonstrate why obesity in children and adults should be considered an important national issue that requires the development of a public policy.

According to the Public Health Agency of Canada PHAC and the Canadian Institute for Health Information CIHI , being obese entails having a body mass index of 25 or higher. Furthermore, childhood…. This fact makes childhood obesity one of the largest growing epidemics in America. Childhood obesity has a negative impact on children for a couple of different reasons. Bullying coincides with childhood obesity which results in peers taunting another child due to their physical appearance. In addition to harassment by other peers it also affects the way they feel about themselves which ultimately affects self-esteem. A health problem that affects millions of people all over the globe is childhood obesity. A way to have a decrease in the amount of childhood obesity is by there being an increase in the amount of physical activity that is done.

One thing that is made and maintained with the likelihood of increasing physical activity is having walkable built environments. For the main point of the following study we will be looking at children and obesity and their BMI z-scores and if the walkable built…. Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool. Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Childhood Obesity Essay. Childhood Obesity Essay. Sort By: Most Relevant Highest Grade. Decent Essays. Page 1 of 50 - About Essays. The Effects Of Obesity On Childhood Obesity Words 4 Pages.

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