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School lunch essay

School lunch essay

Ultius is the trusted provider of content solutions for consumers around the world, school lunch essay. All Reviews Hot New Books Book Reviews Music Reviews Movie Reviews TV Show Reviews Video Game Reviews. But while all of this is happening some schools are trying to fix this problem. Still there in a neat pile and headed straight for the trash". This causes atherosclerosis hardening of the arteries.

Argumentative paper: school lunches Essay Example

Many parents believe that just because their student is eating a lunch from school, that it is a healthy lunch. Well they are actually wrong, school lunch essay lunches are getting worse and worse and are moving farther away from being healthy. School lunches can easily be improved if more effort and money are invested into them. School lunches are just one step in improving the health of many students. Schools are always preaching to students about how they need to have a balanced diet and eat healthier, school lunch essay, but when the schools are serving what they do at lunch it school lunch essay very deceitful.

There are multiple ways to resolve this issue including, having a fundraiser for the lunch program, eliminating certain unhealthy foods, giving the students more healthy options, and even having students bring their own school lunch essay to school. Everybody knows money does not grow on trees. Schools are in a harder spot then ever when it comes to money right now. That does not mean that they should just buy cheap and horrible food for the students. Fundraising is an easy and reliable way to earn money for these types of situations.

According to Michigan. Fundraising is a simple and effective way to get money for whatever the cause is, school lunch essay. One of the easiest ways to make school lunches healthier is to eliminate the worst item off the menu. That alone will get rid of some of the terrible things that students eat daily and force them to eat something different. Many students get the same thing over and over again when the order their lunches from school, school lunch essay. This means that they are eating the same unhealthy lunches daily and no one is stopping them. Most students are not smart enough to stop themselves either. Another idea is giving the students options when it comes to foods and prices.

Many students school lunch essay days go off campus for lunch, one because they like the food more and two, because they can get the same amount of food for the same price. This will result in school lunches being cheaper, having more variety, and stop students from going off campus and eating the junk food outside of school. School lunch essay last option is that students can bring their own lunch to school, especially the students that do not like the school lunches, packing their own food is a very good alternative.

This allows students to personalize their own lunch while keeping it healthy, school lunch essay. Even if the parents were to pack their kids lunch, at least they know what their child will be eating versus giving them money for whatever the child chooses to eat. You can try to ensure that your child is eating the kind of foods you want her to, school lunch essay. Packing a lunch for school and even other occasions is an easy and good substitute for buying a lunch. Over all, school lunches have not been improving and neither has the obesity rate for teens and children. The first thing that must be dome, is school lunches need to change and can be done school lunch essay by fundraising, eliminating the bad foods, giving the students options, and or having students pack a lunch.

Schools must change so the students can too. Free Essays Topics Essay Checker Hire Writer Login. Free essay samples School School lunch. School lunch 7 July Hire verified writer. School lunch Essay Example. Related Essays. National School Lunch Program Best School Lunch: Sicilian Broccoli and Cauliflower Pasta Lunch Time School lunch essay Campus Lunch The Effects of Recess Before Lunch on Students Behaviors Naked Lunch by Michael Hollinger Analysis Middle school or high school teacher, coach,… Does Private School Competition Improve Public… Elementary School and Middle School: The Differences… The Classical School vs.

The Positive School Elementary School and Middle School. A limited time school lunch essay Save Time On Research and Writing. Get My Paper. Popular Topics celebrity family starbucks jewellery of mice and men cricket nutrition childhood dieting fahrenheit

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One last option is that students can bring their own lunch to school, especially the students that do not like the school lunches, packing their own food is a very good alternative. This allows students to personalize their own lunch while keeping it healthy. Even if the parents were to pack their kids lunch, at least they know what their child will be eating versus giving them money for whatever the child chooses to eat. You can try to ensure that your child is eating the kind of foods you want her to. Packing a lunch for school and even other occasions is an easy and good substitute for buying a lunch.

Over all, school lunches have not been improving and neither has the obesity rate for teens and children. The first thing that must be dome, is school lunches need to change and can be done so by fundraising, eliminating the bad foods, giving the students options, and or having students pack a lunch. Schools must change so the students can too. Free Essays Topics Essay Checker Hire Writer Login. Free essay samples School School lunch. School lunch 7 July Hire verified writer. School lunch Essay Example. Related Essays. National School Lunch Program Best School Lunch: Sicilian Broccoli and Cauliflower Pasta Lunch Time Open Campus Lunch The Effects of Recess Before Lunch on Students Behaviors Naked Lunch by Michael Hollinger Analysis Middle school or high school teacher, coach,… Does Private School Competition Improve Public… Elementary School and Middle School: The Differences… The Classical School vs.

The Positive School Elementary School and Middle School. A limited time offer! Save Time On Research and Writing. Get My Paper. Popular Topics celebrity family starbucks jewellery of mice and men cricket nutrition childhood dieting fahrenheit Obese children are also more likely to have substance abuse problems due to these issues. They involve themselves in sedentary activities which lead to the feeling of loneliness. This becomes a vicious cycle of overeating to help relieve stress and unhappiness. If schools want our children to do well academically, then they need to not only help prevent obesity but also teach and show the link between healthy eating and different diseases and health conditions.

Being overweight increases the risk of several conditions and diseases such as asthma, diabetes, gallstones, and heart disease because of the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides in their blood. This causes atherosclerosis hardening of the arteries. Obstructive sleep apnea is more prevalent in obese children, a serious life threatening condition which can lead to heart failure. Children that are overweight in their formative years are more likely to become obese as an adult. This leads to a very serious and harmful cycle that can be hard to break. Many families are fighting the change of our school lunch program. Parents are saying their children will refuse to eat the healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole wheat breads and pastas. Children nowadays think a cheeseburger, loaded with salt and French fries doused in ketchup, is a complete and healthy meal.

They have become so used to the taste of high fat, processed, salty foods that the option of healthier alternatives seems unfavorable. We need to implement a new portion size with healthy food to the younger generation to help build a steady routine and desire for healthier foods, activities, and lifestyle in general. Society can do an extraordinary amount of good for the kids across the United States if they change what is served in school cafeterias. Some schools should try to have recess before lunch. This way they have plenty of time to play and not want to rush and gorge themselves with food in five minutes so they have more time outside.

A typical school lunch consists of strawberry or chocolate milk, french fries, potato cake or other type of potato because that is what they consider a vegetable , a fruit cup stored in heavy syrup, soaked in an alarming amount of sugar, and. Instead students should see bowls of fresh fruit and vegetables on the tables for them to consume while they wait for lunches or to have as a snack sometime during the day. Their school lunches should consist of nonfat milk, a fresh fruit such as an orange, pear or maybe grapes, not stored in ten teaspoons of sugar, a fresh salad with green lettuce, not iceberg and a main dish that consists of nutrition and vitamins. A plate of spaghetti made with whole wheat pasta, low fat content hamburger and a sauce that is full of hidden vegetables would be an example of a healthier lunch.

In , President Obama signed into place the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act. This new law sets nutritional standards for all foods sold in school. It provides additional funding for schools that participate in the healthy foods program and also provides local farms funding to provide fresh fruits and vegetables to their local schools. Within this bill the number of eligible children enrolled in meal programs for free or reduced lunches is increased. This is meant to increase the number of minutes per day children are active and teach them healthy life style choices. Our schools need to implement the physical education class every day in our schools.

One time a week is not enough to keep our children healthy. Society has come a long way since when school lunches were implemented. What we eat affects everything in our life: our health, our moods as well as our learning. Parents can help by auditing their school cafeterias. Provide education on healthy eating and exercise. That way they are also getting the proper food at home as well. It might take some time but with consistent and realistic strategies in school and at home, the community can change what they are feeding our children.

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